[OSCP]SQL Injection Attacks - DB Types and Characteristics

  1. From your Kali Linux VM, connect to the remote MySQL instance on VM 1 and replicate the steps to enumerate the MySQL database. Then explore all values assigned to the user offsec. Which plugin value is used as a password authentication scheme?
  2. --> caching_sha2_password


  1. From your Kali Linux VM, connect to the remote MSSQL instance on VM 2 and replicate the steps to enumerate the MSSQL database. Then explore the records of the sysusers table inside the master database. What is the value of the first user listed?
  2. -->public
  1. From your Kali Linux VM, connect to the remote MySQL instance on VM 3 and explore the users table present in one of the databases to get the flag.
  2. --> OS{f3396f6a83d08174282306e157ab8138}

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