Start up the Walkthrough VM 1 and modify the Kali /etc/hosts file to reflect the provided dynamically-allocated IP address that has been assigned to the offsecwp instance. Use Firefox to get familiar with the Developer Debugging Tools by navigating to the offsecwp site and replicate the steps shown in this Learning Unit. Explore the entire WordPress website and inspect its HTML source code in or..
필요한 CVE코드를 검색 #wget 위 명령어를 통해 디렉토리에 복사#sudo cp CVE-2021-41773.nse /usr/share/nmap/scripts/ NSE 스크립트에 복사#sudo nmap --script-updatedb NSE DB 업데이트#curl -k -x get "URL" 명령어를 통해 해당 passwd에 접근 (마지막 사용자 확인) Follow the steps above and use the vuln NSE script category against VM #1. Listing 5 shows that the target is vulnerable to CVE-2021-41773, but ..