[OSCP]Attacking Network Services Logins - 15.1
- 보안/OSCP
- 2024. 12. 12.
- Follow the steps outlined in this section to leverage a dictionary attack to get access to SSH (port 2222) on VM #1 (BRUTE). Find the flag in the george user's home directory.
--> OS{080afe3ca8cd32015cdd82f855e93fc4}
교육자료로 해결 가능
- Follow the steps outlined in this section to leverage a dictionary attack to gain access to RDP on VM #2 (BRUTE2). Find the flag on either one of the user's desktops. To reduce the time it takes to perform the password spraying, you can create a list with the two usernames: justin and daniel.
--> OS{e5c8d7c7b364bfebf9c7f465acf4effc}
교육자료로 해결 가능
- Enumerate VM #3 (BRUTE2) and find another network service. Use the knowledge from this section to get access as the itadmin user and find the flag.
--> OS{f0ac2cc2ffca4cd75b33706fd4c87a58}
hydra -l itadmin -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
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