Follow the steps in this section and leverage the LFI vulnerability in the web application (located at to receive a reverse shell on WEB18 (VM #1). Get the flag from the /home/ariella/flag.txt file. To display the contents of the file, check your sudo privileges with sudo -l and use them to read the flag.--> OS{33a3e4aa90a99657854e9683233a488c}Exploit the LFI..
In this section, we used URL encoding to exploit the directory traversal vulnerability in Apache 2.4.49 on VM #1. Use Burp or curl to display the contents of the /opt/passwords file via directory traversal in the vulnerable Apache web server. Remember to use URL encoding for the directory traversal attack. Find the flag in the output of the file.--> OS{9ca180636c5b6843678c569fde624361}단순히 인코딩만 요..
How many ../ do you need to go from the /var/log/ directory to the root file system (/)? Enter the number below.--> 2Enter the command in combination with the relative path containing the minimum number of ../ sequences to display the contents of the /etc/passwd file when the current working directory of the terminal is /usr/share/webshells/.--> cat ../../../etc/passwdFollow the steps above and ..
Start Walkthrough VM 1 and replicate the steps learned in this Learning Unit to identify the basic XSS vulnerability present in the Visitors plugin. Based on the source code portion we have explored, which other HTTP header might be vulnerable to a similar XSS flaw?-->Start Walkthrough VM 2 and replicate the privilege escalation steps we explored in this Learning Unit to create a secondary admin..